Monday, 30 November 2009

Blue Lagoon, Batu 10, PD


22 November '09 Sunday
2 pm - gather up at taqib's house and preparation.
3 pm - start journey to PD.
4 pm - rikki spot at batu 8, PD.
. - ask local for a place to camp.
. - found place at batu 10 and try to savior the moment.
6 pm - MANDI!
7 pm - base construction.
. - reporting for duty.
. [Alfa] finding logs.
. [Bravo] starts fire.
. [Charlie] build wind shelter.
. [Delta] make beverages.
. [SpecialForce] find clean water source.
9 pm - start BBQ
. menu:- chicken wings
. - stake
. - lamb chop
. - squid
. - sausage
. - fresh crab (special menu)
. - camp fire (jokes n ghost story)
. - get wasted~

23 November '09 Monday
2 am - walking down to the 'air surut' level.
. - stepping on million of small crabs.
4 am - from drizzle to heavy rain.
. - kemah bocor.
. - all stay in car except one, Rambo.
5 am - Rambo woke up 'cose kemah heavily damaged by strong wind.
7 am - early morning snorkeling.
8 am - breakfirst
. - Start packing up kemah.
10am- MANDI!
12pm- Load things up and clean.
3 pm - Head back home.

Special thanks to all tht participate with this journey.
Taqib, Isa, Epul, Riz, Legend, Hazlan and Tam.

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